Apply for Pannuhalli Stage

Tanssin talo in evening
Show photographer JKMM Arkkitehdit

The Pannuhalli’s application process has ended.

Programme for the new generation dance makers

The SPARKS project for the Pannuhalli stage aims to support a new generation of dancemakers in Finland. Finnish dance artists or artists based in Finland who have a maximum of up to 6 years of presenting full length choreographic work publically and are up to 40 years, who are interested in creating a full length work for the Pannuhalli (venue seats up to 250 seats) are invited to apply for this programme. We welcome proposals coming from all dance practices and traditions with rigourous and contemporary approaches to performance.

Fill the form and apply

Application guidelines (PDF)

  • Application time
    Application time: Starts from 15 December 2020
  • Closing deadline and results
    Closing deadline for application: 15 January 2021

    Results: End of February / Early March 2021


Artists are invited to submit their proposals in an open call process, and three proposals will be selected to receive 2 months in a rehearsal studio and 1.5 weeks in the Pannuhalli Stage leading up to the premiere of the production after the house opens. Salaries and a production budget will be provided. The scheduled premieres will take place between 2022 and 2023. More information on the application process is available here.

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