Mystery Sonatas c Anne Van Aerschot11

Frank Gizycki: Mystery Sonatas Workshop

  • Date


  • Time


  • Duration

    2 h

  • Tickets


  • When

    Wed 15.6. at 14-16


    Thu 16.6. at 14-16

  • Location

    Dance House Helsinki’s training studio.

  • Dance House Helsinki is located in Ruoholahti, Helsinki, at Kaapeliaukio 3. The entrance is located in the covered Glass Courtyard of Cable Factory

Frank Gizycki: Mystery Sonatas workshop

Frank Gizycki from De Keersmaeker’s established dance company Rosas will keep an open level workshop for dancers with intermediate dance experience. The workshop will consist of movement exercises based on the Rosas’ work Mystery Sonatas / for Rosa.

The workshop will be held two times, Wed 15.6. and Thu 16.6. at 14-16. Please inform when you sign up for which of the dates you are interested in participating. The workshop is free of charge, but because of the limit of the participants (15 per workshop), a brief description of why you are interested in the workshop is required. You will receive a confirmation of your participation - please note that signing up is binding.

The participants of the workshop are welcome to see the performance of Mystery Sonatas / for Rosa at a discount price on 16th June.

The workshops are held in English.

If you would like more information, please contact:

Update: The workshop is fully booked, but you can sing up for the waiting list.


Frank Gizycki (France, 1993) graduated from scientific studies in 2011 and continued his dance education at the C.N.S.M.D. (Lyon), after which he went to study at P.A.R.T.S. (Brussel), where he graduated in 2016.

He joined Rosas for the revival of Rain and the exhibition Work/Travail/Arbeid. Since then, he carried on working with Rosas in Zeitigung, Achterland and Bartók/Beethoven/Schönberg. He took part in the creation of The Six Brandenburg Concertos, the Dark Red museum projects and Mystery Sonatas / For Rosas.

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