COVID Taiteilijoille 1

Corona hitting dance sector

Corona hitting dance sector

The Arts Council has taken a stand to rapid support for the arts and culture. European Dance Network and Dance Info Finland, in turn, collects data on loss of earnings and other effects.

The Arts Council has taken a stand in favor of support for the arts and culture. Each individual can participate in supporting the performing arts and professionals in a small way:

For consumers of art and culture, the Arts Council hopes to gain as much understanding as possible about the awkward situation. At most, the cancellation of events is a blow to cultural businesses and events that threatens their very existence. Expenses remain, but no income. If it is possible, it is a beautiful and precious act not to ask for money from a canceled opportunity." - The Arts Council

The emergency measures have affected many, especially as work in contemporary dance takes place through physical encounters and gatherings. Dance info Finland and European Dancehouse Network have developed questionnaires for individuals working in the dance sector (artists, freelancers, employed, others). Purpose is to collect data on loss of earnings and other effects.

Read more:
Dance info Finland (in Finnish)
European Dancehouse Network

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